Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Countdown to Dominiation, 2009

First victim: Pittsburgh Steelers. You bastards were lucky to miss us last year, because we would've handed your asses to you, just like we did in Week 16.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Clint - What happened?


Good god man. At least the Hornets didn't give up at the end, as evidenced by the whopping 24 points they scored in the 2nd half. Where's the heart? Sounds like you need some more Scolas, Hayes, Wafers and Landrys on your team (those are NBA players, not brands of crackers). I never thought a CP3-led team would go out like this. Please tell me you went to this game...

Monday, April 27, 2009


Haven't posted in awhile. Since January in fact. Meanwhile, Matt and Justin keep right on posting, trying to make me and Clint look bad. Big mistake. Now I'm bringin' the thunda'. I don't need a bunch of fancy weekly posts to get my thoughts across. I just need like a quarterly newsletter update. Simple, concise, and more importantly, less work for me. So here's it is:

  • Titans choked.
  • Astros suck
  • Rockets look good.
  • MSU Bears basketball sucks, but they have hope.
  • MU basketball was fun to watch and had an exciting run.
  • I guess MSU baseball is ok, but started out slow and got better as the season went into conference play or something. I can't even really pretend to be interested in college baseball.
  • I was sick for a week, then I got better. Daytime TV sucks. It's like they put the crappiest shows on first, and they get slightly better as the day wears on, culminating in Seinfeld and Family Guy/The Office on during primetime. But during the day it starts with crap like Yes Dear and old cheesiness like Home Improvement.
  • Nicholas Cage gets a lot of crap, (and rightly so, based on movies like Bangcock Dangerous, 8MM, and The Wicker Man), but the man gets a nearly lifetime-long free pass based on Raising Arizona (good call, Clint), and a bevy of other solid to really good movies like The Rock, Matchstick Men, Adaptation and Nat'l Treasure. Check out his resume. I think overall, there's more hits than misses.
  • Bedtime Stories and Paul Blart: Mall Cop had some of the worst acting/writing I've seen in recent memory. I believe both of these movies were very successful at the box office. That's sad. I still love the Sand-man and think Kevin James himself is hilarious.
  • That new Judd Apatow movie called Funny People looks awesome. Sandler, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Jason Schartzman. Could be another classic, though the tone of the trailer looks a bit more serious than all out funny.
  • I haven't been to Funacre this year. I need to go. There's a new indoor mini golf place over by Food4Less. I want to check that place out. I've always wanted to play at a mini-golf place that had a bunch of quirky, playable obstacles like the course in Happy Gilmore. I never have though. When I make my millions, I'm opening up that kind of mini-golf course. There will also be drinking allowed. And I will donate 50% of my profits to Funacre, just to make sure the golf nazi stays in business.
  • The newest Metallica album rocks my face off. Listening to "All Nightmare Long" while riding my bike or lifting weights makes me feel like running through a brick wall and then punching Chuck Norris in the face repeatedly.
  • I think Clint changing his blog's color theme to match his "in-season" team's colors is not at all gay.
  • This blog post is beginning to remind me of that Larry King parody Norm MacDonald used to do on SNL. I'll bet I can find a link by using the magic of google. Yep. But there's no video. NBC gets all huffy with their stuff ending up on Youtube. A-holes. Norm MacDonald is awesome.
  • It doesn't bother me that Chad doesn't like and has no interest in sports. But it does bother the shit out of me that Chris doesn't like sports. I can't accept it. Quit lying, Max. You know you like sports. You goddamn scientologist.
  • I know Chris Baer has a notebook (more likely a boxful of notebooks) filled with drawings of dicks somewhere in his place. I picture a complete comic series starring Mr. Dick N. Nuts and crew spread out across those notebooks. The fact that he masterbates to these comics does not make him gay. You see, they're his comics....
  • It is now acceptable to own a Snuggie.
  • I wish the Titans had drafted Chase Coffman (he was drafted like 9 spots later). Instead, they took another TE in the 3rd round. Hope that wasn't a mistake.
  • The PS3 is better than the 360.
  • People that move away from Springfield suck.
  • Matt still owes me $3 from poker.
  • I think Clint broke my finger when we played basketball back in March, b/c it still hurts. Explain again why I was guarding you?
  • I'm starting to work out again with an eye on winning the race across the pond this summer.
  • Blogging is a lot easier when its done only 4 times per year, is in list format, and consists of random thoughts with no central theme.
  • My blog is better than your blog.
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