A buddy of mine sent me this link today, and I couldn't agree with it more. It's an article about the slow death of the quality nacho at restaurants, and how to fix it.
While the whole article is quality, "Nacho Commandment #1" really stood out to me, since its been something I've been harping on for years when I go out to eat and someone suggests nachos. Basically, unless someone with me can vouch that I'm not gonna order nachos and get a dish with one single 'cho stuck together with some nasty, hard shredded cheese, I'm not ordering nachos.
For an example, let's take the image above. While at a glance these nachos look mighty tasty, there are two huge problems. First, is the lack of actual quantity of cheese on the nachos. Isn't that the whole point of nachos in the first place - the freakin' cheese!!??! Second, is that these nachos look to have shredded cheese sprinkled on them, and then likely microwaved for about 40 seconds to melt. This technique assures a disappointing nacho experience. And to think, some restaurant actually put that image up on their website as an the best example of their nacho dish.
Well, if working for 5 years at a Mexican restaurant (that followed the exact flawed nacho technique I've outlined above) taught me anything, it was how NOT to make nachos. I am no longer fooled by images such as the one above that often appear on menus and seek to reassure a satisfying nacho experience. I have learned, and am now a better person (and a better nacho-maker) as a result. Thank you, Tres Hombres, thank you...
Unfortunately, most restaurants out there haven't yet learned, and still don't follow the First Nacho Commandment (from the linked article):
"Nacho Commandment #1: Nacho cheese should never, ever be a solid.
This is the most common and basic of errors, but I see it all the time. You should never, ever make nachos with melted shredded cheese. Shredded cheese melts just fine, but it returns to its solid form about halfway between the kitchen and the customer’s table. When you make a man’s nachos with shredded cheese, you doom him to a steaming plate of heartbreak. I mean, come on. That’s something your mom would do when she’s trying to show your teenage friends that she’s The Cool Mom. “Here, honey, I made you and your friends a plate of those nachos you always talk about.” And you eat them because you don’t want to hurt your mom’s feelings, but really, the moment she isn’t looking, you let the dog eat them even though you know it’s going to give him the runs.
Nacho cheese is a sauce, Joe. Yes, I realize that this means it technically isn’t cheese. We don’t care. If the idea of liquid cheese offends you as a chef, then you know, just go back to serving chutney, take nachos off of your menu, and leave us out of it."
Preach on, brother!!!
Lastly, if you want to try a quality nacho dish at a place that definitely follows the First Commandment, and you happen to be in Aurora, MO (I have no idea why you'd be there, but anyway), then stop by Hawgwild BBQ and sample one of their several varieties of 'chos. That place restored my faith in the restaurant nacho....
Schlafly's (at the Bottleworks in St. Louis) makes good bison nachos. I recommend it as a meal (it is on the menu as an appetizer, but it is way too big).
Justin if I were to come to St. Louis would you take me out to dinner and split these bison nachos with me? Would you promise to take me out and split what you make out to sound like a delicous meal with me? Check yes or no, and then describe to me what we would do after the dinner activity.
We like Nachos
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