I mean, look at him. Flipping his glove on the field as if he didn't have a care in the world. "I'm the best player on one of the more successful teams of the past dozen or so years - ho hum." That's how he plays baseball too - effortlessly. And it looks like he's having a blast doing it too.
Lance has got to be one of the most talkative guys in the league. If you ever watch an Astros game, just notice what happens when an opposing player gets to 1st base. My boy just talks his ear off. If Lance isn't talking to someone while he's on the field, then its a pretty safe bet that the other player is either (a) a dick, or (b) doesn't speak English. That's just the way he is, all the time. Whether its a pressure situation, or just the top of the 1st inning - always even keel. That's one of the many reasons I love the guy (as a ballplayer, of course).
Anyhow, I'm sure that several of my coming blog entries will further detail many aspects of Lance Berkman and/or the Astros, including, but not limited to: how great a player he is, how underrated he is, how he never gets the attention appropriate for a player of his caliber, how he is better than Albert Pujols (yes, I went there), how I met/stalked him in Chicago once, etc..... But I just wanted to give a brief intro of my boy, and profess my like/love for him early on - get it all out on the table up front, just so there's no confusion and no mixed messages - I love him (not in "that" way....not really). It's just, well, hard to explain. Perhaps its best that I explain it like all normal heterosexual men express themselves - in song!!!!!
Clear now? Good. Just guy love between two guys, that's all...(actually, its kinda one-sided, but you get the point). And now to leave you with an image that got me all excited while I searched for Lance Berkman images on Google....enjoy. (Again, not gay, not that there's anything wrong with that...)

Better than Pujols huh? Interesting. Not for sure such garbage can be allowed in my house. We'll see.
Ah yes, I knew the Pujols comment would draw some ire. Berkman batting .600 over the past two weeks definately helps my position though...
(I had to delete the comment because I was still commenting as Erick. Oops.)
Anywho, I was just saying that I didn't actually read your post because it seemed to be mostly about sports. So, I will continue to check your blog periodically hoping for random updates on our friends Martin and Ami. At that time, I will actually read it.
Still...a very good song choice.
Thanks Laurie!! I'm envious of how full and so constantly up-to-date your blog is. My goal is to update mine once per week, but you have like multiple posts per day! I always like to hear and see what's up in Creachs' World (its kinda like Beakman's World, but with less science...)
Thanks, Martin! I'm glad you enjoy it! The trick is having a couple posts up your sleeve. Random thoughts or videos. That way if you have nothing to say...no one knows!
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